Jesús Angulo Lopez
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Senior Fellow
Location:35 Rue Saint-Honoré\n
I was born in Cuenca, Spain, in 1975.
I received a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain, in 1999, with a Master Thesis on Signal, Image and Video Processing. I obtained my PhD on Mathematical Morphology and Nonlinear Image Processing in 2003 from the Ecole des Mines de Paris (France) under the guidance of Prof. Jean Serra. I got my Habilitation degree (French HDR) on Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, from the Université Paris-Est in 2012.
I am currently senior research scientist (Directeur de Recherche) at the Center for Mathematical Morphology.
I had participated in several EU and French projects, including the coordination and partner principal investigator in some of them. I had been involved on direct collaboration projects with industrial companies (e.g., Thales, ArcelorMittal)
I had contributed to more than 50 journal papers, 120 international conferences and 1 patent.
Appointments and responsibilities
- I am the head of the Department of Mathematics and Systems at MINES ParisTech, PSL Université Paris
- I am in charge of the Ph.D. studies on “Mathematical morphology” specialization; member of the Council of the Doctoral school ISMME (Ingénierie des Systèmes, Matériaux, Mécanique, Énergétique)
- I am member of the Steering Committee of ISMM (International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology)
Research Interests
My research interests are in the areas of
- Mathematical morphology: filtering; segmentation; shape and texture analysis; stochastic, geometric and PDE approaches; space-time morphological operators; theory of metric Riemannian and ultrametric morphological operators.
- Max-plus and max-min mathematics.
- Interaction between neural networks, deep learning and mathematical morphology.
- Interaction between machine learning and structured data/image processing: anomaly detection, explainable AI.
- Non-conventional imaging: ranging from hyperspectral images to images with values in non-Euclidean spaces, such as the sphere or the cone of symmetric positive-definite matrices or the probability simplex.
- Application to the development of theoretically-sound and high-performance algorithms and software in the fields of Biomedicine/Biotechnology, Remote Sensing and Radar, Material Science and Industrial Vision.
PhD Students and Postdocs
- Valentin Penaud-Polge (co-advised with S. Velasco-Forero) Ph. Thesis (2020-): Spatio-temporal causal mathematical morphology: theory and algorithms.
- Mateus Sangalli (co-advised with S. Blusseau and S. Velasco-Forero) Ph. Thesis (2019-): Morphological neural networks and applications to image analysis.
- Martin Bauw (co-advised with S. Velasco-Forero) Ph. Thesis (2019-): Neural networks, anomaly detection and false-alarm filtering out in Radar.
- Shu Hui HAM, (co-advised with Cédric Cateret, Université de Lorraine, and Gabriel Fricout, ArcelorMittal) Ph. Thesis (2015 - 2018): Physicochemical properties of surface oxides and data analysis of hyperspectral imaging. Currently Research Scientist ArcelorMittal, France.
- Gianni Franchi, Ph. Thesis (2013 - 2016): Morphological image analysis and modeling of multimodal ultra/hyper-spectral images. Currently Assistant Professor ENSTA, IP Paris, France.
- Joris Corvo, Ph. Thesis (2013 - 2016): Multispectral Image Processing using Mathematical Morphology and LIP model. Currently Project Chief ML, SILAB, France.
- Emmanuel Chevallier, Ph. Thesis (Oct 2012 -Nov 2015): Morphology, Geometry and Statistics in Non-Standard Imaging. Currently Assistant Professor Aix-Marseille Université, France
- El Hadji S. DIOP, Post-Doc (2011-2012: Robust and adaptive morphological partial differential equations. Currently Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Thies, Senegal.
- Santiago Velasco-Forero, Ph. Thesis (2009- 2012): Topics in Mathematical morphology for Multivariate Images. Currently Permanent Researcher CMM-MINES ParisTech.
- Guillaume Thibault, Post-Doc (2009-2010): Advanced morphological analysis of fluorescemarkers cell assays for mitosis studies in pharmacology. Currently Research Assistant Professor, OHSU Oregon Health & Science University, USA.
- Guillaume Noyel, (co-advised with Dominique Jeulin), Ph. Thesis (2005-2008): Filtering, dimensionality reduction, classification and morphological segmentation of hyperspectral Images. Currently Research Director, International Prevention Research Institute (IPRI), Lyon, France.