About me

This is my old academic page. For further information please visit my Google scholar profile or my LinkedIn profile

I received my PhD degree at 2014 from MINES ParisTech in the Center for Mathematical Morphology (CMM) at Fontainebleau, France. I worked on semantic analysis of 3D point clouds and images from urban environments under supervision of Dr. Beatriz Marcotegui. I received my bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering and Master degree from National University of Colombia, at 2009 and 2011, respectively. I worked under supervision of Flavio Prieto.

My research interests include:

  • Mathematical Morphology
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Pattern Recognition
  • 3D Urban Analysis

  • News

    [ April 24, 2014 ]

    The iQmulus / TerraMobilita contest on 3D analysis of mobile laser scans (MLS) in dense urban environments is open.

    [ April 18, 2014 ]

    One of my publications on accessibility analysis has been awarded with the U. V. Helava Award for the 2013 best paper in the ISPRS Journal (volumes 75-86).

    [ March 7, 2014 ]

    The Paris-rue-Madame database is now publicly available.


    Contact information

    CMM Fontainebleau

  • Mr. Andres Serna
  • Email: serna@cmm.ensmp.fr, afsernam@gmail.com
  • Webpage: http://cmm.ensmp.fr/~serna
  • Ecole National Superieur des Mines de Paris, Centre de Morphologie Mathematique, 35 rue Saint Honore. 77305, Fontainebleau, France
  • Research

    "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" --Albert Einstein


  • MINES Paris-Tech
  • CMM - Center of Mathematical Morphology
  • Morph-M library
  • National University of Colombia
  • PhD comics