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Organised by
The Centre for Mathematical Morphology (CMM), specialized in image processing, is an ARMINES - Mines Paristech joint research centre. The CMM, founder of Mathematical Morphology theory, has gained a leading position in theoretical foundations, efficient algorithms design and resolution of applications involving image processing in the bio-medicine, material sciences and multimedia fields. This course gives a comprehensive presentation of the morphological tools. Filtering and segmentation techniques are addressed, in 2D or 3D, for grey-tone or colour images, for still images or sequences as well as related techniques necessary to develop successful applications. The course is organised during five full days, in a single week : lectures in the morning (9h-12h30), and practical training in the afternoon (14h-17h30). The practical training is performed with Morph-M, a multi-platform Mathematical Morphology software, developed and used in most CMM research projects. Demonstration will reinforce pedagogical aspects of the course.PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
Detailed programYou can find the program here. A wide range of operators will be addressed, starting from the basic morphological erosion and dilation up to current research developments such as numerical residues or hierarchical segmentation. The following topics will be addressed:
- Erosion, dilatation, opening, closing, granulometries, gradients, top-hat.
- Morphological filtering.
- Geodesy, connected operators, levellings.
- Segmentation : watershed, hierarchical segmentation, ultimate opening.
- 3D images, image sequences.
- Color processing.
This course will be held in French, but slides and pedagogical sources can be provided in English.VENUE
The course will take place in Paris :Mines ParisTech
60, Bd Saint-Michel
75006 Paris.
RER-B Luxembourg
Room to be defined.
Download the following registration form and send it back- by e-mail to or
- by postal mail to:
Catherine Moysan.
Ecole des Mines-CMM.
35 rue St Honoré,
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex.
You can pre-register! Without any commitment on your part. Just send us an e-mail. It would help us organize this summer school.
Come with your own images! You can test the notions studied in this course on your own images. During practical training, in the afternoon, you can try Morph-M on your own images, so that you see the usefulness of the course on your own problem. You can also send us your images before the course. We would have time to imagine a solution to your problem.
Cancellation Cancellations after November the 1st will be charged 20% of the participation fees, to cover reproduction and pedagogical material rental.
1600 euros before tax, for all registration BEFORE October the 1st1800 euros before tax, after this date
half price for students
Registration will be effective only after fee payment. The fees include the course, the slides (paper or CD-ROM) and lunches. Dinners, travel expenses and accommodation are not included. (ARMINES is an authorized continuing education organism, registered with number 11 75 254 0675. It is possible to issue a professional training convention between ARMINES and your company).
This website will be permanently updated.
For complementary information or pre-registration (without commitment on your part), please, send us an e-mail:
Beatriz Marcotegui (organiser) :
or to:
Catherine Moysan (CMM secretary) :
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